Install Xcode
Install git
Install MacVIM
Install vim plugin NERDTree. (create a ~/.vim/ directory and put the contents of the zip inside it. Should end up with ~/.vim/doc, ~/.vim/nerdtree_plugin, and ~/.vim/plugin) NERDTree is started with :NERDTree from inside MacVIM.
Download PeepOpen (note to self: put backup in Amazon Cloud Drive, /Archive). Open it and install the MacVIM plugin. To enable command + T bringing it up, cat ~/.vim/plugin/peepopen.vim and follow the directions.
Install vim-rails
Install vim-fugitive
Install snipmate.vim
within MacVim, run :helptags ~/.vim/doc (loads that directory's textfiles into the :help command)
To flatten the mouse acceleration, use these commands:
defaults write .GlobalPreferences -1
defaults write .GlobalPreferences -1
Download and install TotalTerminal (nee Visor)
Download MySQL Community Server, 64-bit. Install using:
mv ~/Downloads/mysql-
echo "PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin" >> ~/.profile
cd /usr/local/mysql